Okkkkk. So here are some news post guys. As I said there will not be any drawings any time soon and well what I decided to do is just say FUCK drawings. Simply because I am very disappointed with the results I am getting and working on them is simply painful. So I will take a break And focus on some training. Yeah it won't be nsfw for the most part but I will still post it here simply because I don't want to keep you in the dark and it is still content so yeah for some time you will only get my studies. If you want more info be free to go to my Twitter or just straight up ask me lol
"I am very disappointed with the results I am getting"
Damn that's better than any of my drawings
Well it all depends on how you see it haha. I simply don't like how they look so they are bad for me. I am sure my stuff is not too bad but I simply want a different result